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Whatsapp Automated Account (Channel) Creator/ $0.016 per account/ Whatsapp Channels

Whatsapp Automated Account (Channel) Creator/ $0.016 per account/ Whatsapp Channels

mass text messaging

We are offering a software to make your own Whatsapp channels (channels are mobile numbers registred with Whatsapp Messenger application and so are used for sending messages with bulk messaging marketing software) in a automated way.
The application costs $900.(USD)
Eventually this results in large savings and reduces your cost of sending messages via any Whatsapp
marketing platform. You can even increase the number of messages you sent every day in your Whatsapp Marketing Campaings because you have more channels to work with and at a reduced cost.
You might also start a business being a Whatsapp channel provider selling channels you make effortlessly with this software with people for example.

mass text messaging

The software program works with a database of channels from China. You can expect all relevant information upon your investment. You only need to register to partner website and make an account number and password. Then input this account number and password within our software to connect to the mobile number database and commence making Whatsapp accounts (Whatsapp channels). We provide the information you need to register your own account and start making and selling your Whatsapp accounts.
Channels or Whatsapp Accounts are usually sold in batches of 1000 channels. Each batch of 1000 channels costs between $16 and $25 only if you use this software. Which means you only pay $0.016 (USD) for each and every channel you make. You may make 1000 channels in 3-4 hours running the software program when typically in 3-4 hours a person can make only 100-150 channels.
The market industry of Whatsapp Accounts is preparing to pay between $100 and $300 for a batch of 1000 Whatsapp Channels (Whatsapp accounts)to make use of in their Whatsapp Campaings, for sending their messages to a huge number of whatsapp users or to advertise their client's products. Our associates sell these Whatsapp Channels for $150 for every 1000 channels, and anjoy a proper demand for this data based digital product with this price.
As you gather demand and profits quickly, you can increase manufacture of your Whatsapp accounts by easily using another illustration showing the software as we will highlight once you purchase the Whatsapp Channel Creator Software.
Making channels without this software is very labor intensive along with a tedious process as whatsapp accounts have to be registered manually, one at a time, using virtual mobile numbers or sim cards, which are expensive to buy. Furthermore, each mobile account must receive a message from Whatsapp using a verification code. Using our software you merely click start and the channels are created automatically using chinese mobile numbers from the partner's database. The Whatsapp Accounts (channels) created are verified automatically and saved securely in the txt. file on your computer's desktop.
Please e mail us through our contact info below if you are interested in buying the software. We accept many forms payment:,, Western Union, Wire Transfer, Bitcoin, etcContact
Whatsapp: 51978492438
Skype: wp.bulk
You can read more about Whatsapp Marketing here: and find out more about the value of these channels for that Market of Whatsapp bulk Marketing in the search engines.
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